Hello Kitty Wedding Spa Makeover

Igrica za decu Hello Kitty Wedding Spa Makeover
Opis igrice: Play Free online game for kids Hello Kitty Wedding Spa Makeover Hello Kitty Wedding Spa Makeover is a RPG game online free. You can play Hello Kitty Wedding Spa Makeover in your browser for free. Everywhere there is so much of sound of joy and celebration. Even if a stranger enters the city he/she will easily witness people occupied with some or the other activity. The reason behind the jubilation is that the Princess of the country Hello Kitty is getting married this evening. You have come all the way to pay your granny a visit. Though there are beauticians in the palace, the princess is not happy with them. She wants someone who can make her gorgeous. The beauticians in the palace do the work not out of love but they have to do. When the princess met your granny on the way to church, both of them struck a conversation for a while. While speaking, your beloved grandma told her about your great ability in spa makeover. Now you are with the princess start the makeover. Gently pour water on the face of the princess and then wash it thoroughly. Apply cream on the face after which you will have to rinse it thoroughly. In the process trim the eye-brow. Remove all the pimples using the instrument and then straighten hair-brow of the princess. Once again apply cream and then cleanse it with water. It is time to do makeover. Select a pretty hairstyle, colourful dress or frock, glittering earring and so on. Beautify the lass to the maximum. The princess will send gifts to your house.

Kako se igra: Use your mouse and follow the in-game instructions.
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